
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

IBM Sessions at Enterprise 2.0 Conference

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The Enterprise 2.0 conference is just around the corner (2 weeks away) and I thought it might be a good time to share with you IBM's plans for this year's conference. This blog owes a majority of its readership to the Enterprise 2.0 conference last year. After I reported on the Microsoft / IBM face-off, I got a lot of new readers and subscribers.

This year IBM is a Diamond sponsor for the conference, and that means that they'll be everywhere! Very timely, Stephen Londergan just published a summary of all the sessions and events where IBM will be participating during the Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston in The Collaboration Soapbox blog.

In Steve's blog entry, you'll find not only a summary of all the sessions where IBM will be at, but also, all the Twitter hashtags that you can use to follow live the comments from the audience. For example, if you want to follow the live Twitter stream during Jeff Schick's session, subscribe to this feed:

I counted a total of 13 sessions. I would like to know, which one are you attending? Or which one do you recommend ?

Again, if you are going, hope you can make them all. Here's the list of sessions to attend.


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