
Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm back -- 750 emails is the count

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I'm back from paternity leave and the final tally for emails to process for these 3 weeks is:  750!!!!  Luis (the other one that blogs a lot) will surely be disappointed at me. 

My feed reader, on the other hand, only reports 298 new entries

Additionally, I just got my new Mac which will replace my Thinkpad T60p as part of the Optional Workstation Refresh Program (only for Div 12 employees).

So here I am, with a big dilemma.  What do I do?  Do I set up my Mac first?  Then read all the new blog entries?  Then catch up on email? 

As is tradition, I think I'll start with email.  What if there's an email from my manager saying that I got promoted?? smile   That wouldn't be on a blog, right?  Yeah, I think that's right... Ok, email it is... Oh and if you sent me an email while I was out and you don't need a response anymore, don't send me an email saying so as that would just add to my queue smile.tiff.

For those of you who still want to see more baby pictures, you can find them here.
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