
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blogs don't cease to amaze me!

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Here's another story on how social software rocks!!!!!  This is part 4 of the series "Why I love..."

(By the way, I recently co-authored a presentation on How to Share and GAIN Knowledge using Blogs.  I wasn't available to deliver the presentation.  Laurisa Rodriguez delivered it 2 weeks ago.  In it I share some of my own personal Blogs success stories which really help to understand the business value of Blogs.

On Monday I published a story about my migration from the Linux Open Client to a Mac laptop.  In it, I explained that I couldn't migrate my Notes workspace (desktop6.ndk file) and had to email myself links to all my databases.  The blog entry was picked up by Alan Lepofsky (who I don't know.  In fact, Lotus Connections Atlas says I'm 3 degrees away from him).  Anyway, Alan knew that something existed out there to migrate this file from Windows to Mac.  He emailed someone asking for the tool/instructions and within minutes, I had a tool in my inbox that could migrate my Notes workspace from Windows to Mac!!!!!!

So I GAINED knowledge, even when I was not looking for it!!! And the best part:  It all started because I was just trying to share my experiences with my co-workers!!!!  Where else can you gain knowledge so easily?  Where else can you gain knowledge even when you are not looking for it ???  That, my friends, is why I love blogs!!!

P.S. If you want this tool, it'll soon be published as a technote.. In the meantime, feel free to email me and I can share.  I'm on a dial-up connection right now and can't upload the file to this Blog entry.
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