
Friday, August 28, 2009

Lotus Connections Easily Trumps Other Vendors

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Through the magic of Twitter and Google's BlogSearch, I stumbled upon a blog entry from a company that uses Lotus Connections and why they chose Lotus Connections over other Enterprise 2.0 platforms such as Microsoft Sharepoint. The key differentiator? Here's what they had to say:

One of the big advantages of Connections is that it is people centered and not document centered, like Microsoft Sharepoint. You can tag about everything, including people so that it becomes very easy to find experts.

In the blog entry, the organization includes a screenshot of their implementation. One of the things that I like is that you can't really tell that it's Lotus Connections since the look-n-feel has changed significantly. Additionally, they created a custom widget to show people a 'percentage complete' for their profiles. (I'm hoping that this widget is available soon in the official Lotus Connections widget catalog).

Here's the entire blog entry written by VeeJay Burns: Team Park and Lotus Connections 2.5.

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