
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hands On with SocialBro - Twitter Analytics Made Easy

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A couple of weeks ago I learned about SocialBro thanks to Mashable. SocialBro, made by developers based in Spain, promises to be an app to manage and analyze your Twitter following. At first glance, SocialBro delivers, especially if you are looking to use Twitter as part of your Social Business strategy. When you first launch the app, it asks you for your Twitter credentials and starts to download tons of metrics about your following. This is nice because it allows you to work with your data offline (perhaps while you are in a plane or without free access to wifi).

Once the data is downloaded you are taken to the Dashboard. In the dashboard you'll find things like Best time to Tweet, recent new followers, recent new unfollows, inactive followers, inactive friends, and much much more:

Some views are really useful to determine who to start following or who to stop following. Notice that each view also has a "share" capability. Clicking on Share triggers a tweet such as "I'm following 4 noisy friends: @xyz, @abc, @123, etc…". Overall, I think the view that I like the most is best time to tweet. SocialBro provides different visualizations to help you understand when a particular tweet will get maximum exposure. As you can see from the following screenshot, for me the best time to tweet is 4pm which is interesting because I mostly tweet in the morning.

On the left hand side of the dashboard, you'll find different search criteria and filters that can be applied to your followers and friends. Some of the filters are: time since last tweet, tweets per day, account age, etc.

SocialBro also provides insights into who your followers are, their timezones, their locations, the languages they speak, etc. SocialBro supports multiple Twitter accounts which is helpful for those that are managing multiple Twitter accounts.


SocialBro has created a demo and has shared it via vimeo. You can take a peek here:

Socialbro - Explore your Community from javier burón on Vimeo.

Things to come

SocialBro has announced that the following features are in the pipeline:

  • Analyze your competitors or other interesting profiles: copy their lists, follow their friends and followers, etc.
  • Analyze Twitter search results by users
  • Analyze any Twitter lists
  • Import any text list of users such as: conferences attendees, your app users, etc.
  • Add notes and reminders to the users
  • Tag users
  • Export to Excel (Export to PDF is already available)
  • Manage Twitter messaging campaigns

Get it now

If you are heavily dependent on Twitter or even if Twitter is part of your social business strategy, I think SocialBro is a must. SocialBro is built on Adobe Air so you can run it on your Mac, Linux, or Windows computer. To download, go here and sign up for the beta (it took me about 1-2 hours to get a beta invite).

Article first published as Hands on with SocialBro: Twitter Analytics Made Easy on Technorati.

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