
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why IBM Could Be Bigger than Facebook in Social Media

I know I'm late to this party, but there have been so many good news this week, that I'm just getting to this one. Turns out that on Monday Fast Company published an article: Why IBM Could Be Bigger than Facebook in Social Media.

As you may be aware, IBM announced the release of the IBM Customer Experience Suite, an integrated and configurable offering to provide highly engaging and personalized web experiences which combine mobile, social, commerce, real-time communication, and web content management capabilities. Of course, media and analyst representatives were invited to the event. You can catch all the commentary following the #ibmexperience tag in Twitter.

Fast Company got a chance to sit down with IBM's VP of Social Software, Jeff Schick (and my new 2nd line manager) to talk about what IBM is doing in the social space. I think the article does a good job, though I may be biased, in telling IBM's story in its adventure into social media, especially behind the firewall (a.k.a Enterprise 2.0). IBM has been using some sort of social software inside the firewall for more than a decade and has a consistently over millions of search and visits.

The article also ends with a big bang!

Regardless of your business size, IBM's big move into social software should be a clear indication that every business needs a broad-reaching social strategy not just a Facebook fan page! This strategy needs to address the needs of your customers and your employees, ensuring optimal collaboration between them anytime and anywhere.

To read the full article, click here.

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