
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hacking Notes 8.5 Public Beta 2 for the Mac

Remember all those great Lotus Connections features on Notes v8.5 that I blogged about two days ago? Well, just like I hacked Public Beta 1, I have now hacked Public Beta 2 so that us Mac users can enjoy those cool new additions!

You know the drill. This is completely unsupported and is provided AS-IS. And you can't hold me responsible for anything! However, whether it works or not, please post a comment to this blog entry with the following information:

  • OS (e.g. Ubuntu, Mac OSX Leopard, etc)
  • What specifically didn't work

I'm hoping that most of the comments will be successes and that will put pressure on the development teams to ship this hack (which is really just copy/pasting a bunch of JARs from Windows to Mac) as part of the product later this year.

To get it, go and download Lotus Notes v8.5 Public Beta 2 from here. Once you have it:

Ready to get started ? Here's how to install:

  1. Uninstall the previous hack if you had it installed. (File > Application > Application Management)
  2. Go to File -> Application -> Install
  3. Select Search for new features to install and click Next >
  4. Click on Add Remote Location...
  5. Set the Name to Activities Sidebar
  6. Set the URL to
  7. Click Ok and then Finish
  8. Follow the remaining steps and restart Notes for the changes to go into effect

Note: You will see several categories listed. Make sure you select the category named: Notes 8.5 Public Beta 2.

If you do NOT see the Install option on your Notes menu, make sure you follow these instructions.

Enjoy! I've been using it for 1.5 days and have only noticed one issue: Searching Lotus Connections doesn't work due to a ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xerces.parser.DOMParser. . Oh, and I tried moving the Quickr plugins from Windows to Mac, but they have some Win32 specific things in them.


  1. I am using MacOS Leopard and followed the instructions by first removing the old code then installing the new code. Unfortunately, my Activities sidebar plugin does not display after reboot.

  2. Hi Chris,

    Make sure you are using Public Beta 2. If you are using a different build the code won't work. As soon as Notes 8.5 GA's, I'll post the plugin here.

    In the meantime, if you can get to me the log I can provide some further troubleshooting: Help -> Support -> 'View Log' and 'View Trace'


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