
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Social Business Tools Can Help In Disaster Situations

Remember how last week I mentioned that IBM is actively looking at documenting success stories of organizations that are embracing social software ? Well, here's another one that I wanted to highlight. This is a great story of how social business tools can help in disaster situations such as the earthquake that occurred last year in Haiti. I think it's also a great example of how non-profit organizations can leverage social business platforms.

Colleagues in Care turned to IBM's social business in the cloud capabilities to build a social network of doctors, where each doctor could highlight their skills. That way doctors could be matched to the needs of a particular situation, thereby getting the most value out of the available resources.

This is where LotusLive comes into play. Take a peek at this 4 minute video and let me know what you think.

Great story, right? Go ahead and share it!

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