
Friday, January 13, 2012

How To Subscribe To IBM Connections Media Gallery via iTunes

One of the new features that was introduced in IBM Connections 3.0.1 is the Media Gallery which Suzanne demos here. Chris Crummey recently asked me how could he subscribe to the items in the Media Gallery via iTunes. That way, when he's traveling he can catch up with the videos that have been added to the Media Gallery.

As you probably know, IBM Connections provides a very easy way to subscribe to each page via feeds. iTunes also has a way for you to manually add a feed to subscribe to a podcast. Thus, you can manually copy/paste the URL provided by IBM Connections, add it to iTunes and voilá.

I wanted to take this to a new level. As I thought more about this, I realized this is a huge use case. Imagine using the Media Gallery as a way to store enablement sessions as part of a product launch. Now, imagine giving your sales force a 1-click ability to take the Media Gallery offline and get up to speed on new products on their own time, perhaps as they are traveling from one customer to another.

Having said that, I created a quick customization which enables this. If you want to enable this on your server, follow these steps:

  1. If you haven't yet, copy footer.jsp to the customization directory. For example, copy <WAS_PROFILE_ROOT>/installedApps</cellName>/Activities.ear/oawebui.war/nav/templates/footer.jsp to <IC_INSTALL_ROOT>/data/shared/customization/common/nav/templates
  2. Switch to the <IC_INSTALL_ROOT>/data/shared/customization/common/nav/templates directory
  3. Open footer.jsp with your favorite text editor
  4. Scroll to the very bottom of the file and add the following line of code

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  5. That's it!! 1 line of code! Now, save and close the file. This will make all the files uploaded to the Media Gallery and tagged with 'podcast' available via iTunes.

Here's a video of how this works:

I'll be demoing this in my session on Monday at Lotusphere '12 #ls12 .

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