
Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Take on Building the Enterprise Social Graph

On Monday, Forbes published an article called Building the Enterprise Social Graph with the subtitle In the next decade, we will learn how to build a social graph inside our businesses. What will it mean?

The subtitle surprised because it talks about the next decade. Sure, there are still a lot of enterprises that haven't adopted Enterprise 2.0 methodologies to transform their business, but are we really a decade away? Maybe I'm spoiled because we've had our internal social graph available for years now as part of Atlas. But I thought I'd also seen some stats that claim a lot of Fortune 100 companies have deployed some sort of social software behind the firewall (but couldn't find them).

Anyway, I do like how the author, however, points out how quickly starts stating that:

The internal social graph inside companies will be quite different and far more useful than existing public counterparts

And this resonates very well with me. Out of my typical 8 hour day, I spent probably 6.5 hours using our social platform inside our firewall. That's where I search for people and content. That's where I discover new experts to follow. That's where I collaborate with other colleagues all over the world. I barely spend any time on my personal social network within Facebook.

The Forbes article also presents an interview with IBM's VP of Social Software, Jeff Schick. Here's a demo of IBM's enterprise social graph tool which mines data to map relationships:

To read the full article, click here. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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