
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Why I love Blogs... a video!

Remember my "Why I love social software..." series? A similar series is currently underway inside the company. Other IBMers had already shared their story on Wikis and Social Bookmarking (Dogear). I was disappointed that someone had beaten me to the Dogear story, but to be fair, I fell in love with social software first via Blogs.

This video is the same story that I blogged about a year and a half ago: how one random blog post that I did let me to meet a new colleague and get my problem solved!!

Now there's a bit of a story to this. First, I discovered this internal series, because it suddenly showed up in my feed reader (because I was subscribed to everything 'connections'). When I saw the blog entry of someone's video, I posted a comment and mentioned how I had a similar series going. The IBMer who was hosting the series asked me to record a 1 minute story (audio only) and he would do the rest.

I was very thankful that he did not ask me to record the video. My video skills are, well, nowhere to be found. Without social software, I would've never been able to put something so cool like this together.

So, I recorded an MP3 using my Mac's GarageBand application, sent it to him and voilá. So with social software, I was able to expand my social network, and we were able to be more effective at our job and put our skills to use in what we are best to create some new collateral! You gotta love social software!!

Very cool, eh? What's your social software story ?

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