
Monday, October 6, 2008

Need your feedback: Lotus InfoCenters

Lotus InfoCenter are going social!! Well, not completely (yet anyway...) No, the InfoCenters aren't becoming Wikis (yet anyway) [hint hint] .

The great folks over at the Information Development Center have asked for your input on how to improve the Lotus InfoCenters. To do this, they are going to leverage IdeaJam.

The great thing about this, in my opinion, was how Twitter enabled this collaboration. A couple of weeks ago, there were some tweets suggesting improvements to the Lotus Connections InfoCenter. Joyce Davis picked this "thread" up and suggested setting up a call with IBMers, customers, and business partners. Lo and behold Handly Cameron, Stuart McIntyre, Jon Mell, Mitch Cohen and myself got on the phone and provided our feedback to the documentation team.

As Mitch also reported, our ideas have been captured and posted in this IdeaSpace: Lotus Technical Information. Now it's up to you to agree or disagree with us. You can even submit your own ideas. The following is my favorite idea. If you agree, vote for it and make it a reality!

Hopefully, the InfoCenter teams from the other brands will follow suit!

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