
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How to integrate Google and Dogear

So here it is!!! I got some great feedback from users on my previous post which showed a demo of integrating Lotus Connections Dogear and Google search. If you want to get this running, follow this process:


  1. Use Firefox (you are already using it, right ?)
  2. Install the Greasemonkey plugin (if you haven't already)
  3. Restart Firefox
  4. Install my Dogear script
    1. IBMers: Click this link to download and install the script
    2. Non-IBMers:
      1. Right-click this link and save it to your machine.
      2. Open the file with your favorite text editor
      3. Look for the these lines and put in the value for your deployment
        var profiles = '';
        var dogear = '';
      4. Save the file
      5. Open Firefox
      6. Go to File -> Open File...
      7. Browse to the file and it should be installed
  5. Restart Firefox
  6. Go to Google and do a search, any search!

Note to Hackers: you'll notice that I'm not using Atom, instead simple HTML. If you can modify this to parse the Atom feed and render the appropriate HTML, you get bonus points!


  1. Luis - thanks for the post.

    Works like a charm :-)

  2. Luis - Have seen the demo and it looks great.

    I have also tried following the directions but it doesnt seem to work for me. If I get the changes to the javascript file wrong should I see an error or information saying 'No results' for example.


  3. Hi Andy,

    The scripts configures itself to work against:*/search*

    This week I'm in Canada and the script stopped to work. The problem ? Google here is so it didn't match the pattern above. To resolve it, this is what I did:

    1. Open Firefox
    2. Go to Tools -> GreasMonkey -> Manage User Scripts
    3. Select 'Add Dogear to Google'
    4. In the 'Included Pages' section change the following:*/search*


    That should do it!

  4. Hi Luis:
    Nice tool! Thanks a lot.

    But if it works with DBCS, such as Japanese, it would be greater....
    Hope you'll update it for that someday.

    Happy Collaboration!


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